Breath in the sea air, listen to the waves.

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I believe in some sort of salt therapy – that you get for free – when walking by the coast, breating in the sea air, listening to the waves and seagulls above you. I love the sea. And I missed it a lot. Very often I catch myself daydreaming of summer days in Croatia, but since July is not comming around just jet, days by our coast will do it for now. This Saturday was a great day to spend it by the sea. It was sunny, it was warm and also – it really was about time, for Oto to see and taste the sea at last.

Well, he loves it.

Joining our favourite couple, Metka and Matej, we decided to first take a look (and a walk) at the renovated Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve. It is amazing and from now on I am defenitely recomending this place to anyone who wants to experience Slovenian coast. The arhitecture of new objects is simple in all the right ways with meaningful details that make it exciting. Inspired by the nature around it, it fits in perfectly. Shapes of the structural columns are mimicing the reeds all around the Reserve and the form of the Central Observatory resembles a bird’s nest. As a civil engineer and architecture enthusiast, I had the best time. You don’t need to guess Oto had a lot of fun too, spying on all the protected bird species living in the area.

Don’t forget to check this place out!

Later we found ourselfs in the citycenter of Koper, where we attended Festival of wine and chocolate and had a quick but yummy seafood lunch. It was lovely, but I couldn’t wait to finally step into the sea and get my feet weet. At first, our vizsla boy was a bit unsure, very carefully observing the waves come and go. But after a while, he got brave and stepped into the sea, concluding it is refreshing, still a bit cold – and salty! Which he loved most. From than on, all I did was stopping him from drinking the water and constantly licking the salty rocks along the sea.



By Urska

Civil engineer with a lot of interests like traveling, food, taking care for my plants, running and hiking! Currently living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Always up for a coffee date, usually stolling around citycenter, most happy when there's time for a walk in the woods after work hours. In love with my two boys - one of them walking on four legs and wiggling with a tawny tail.


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