Holidays in Istria.

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Greetings from Fazana! We are currently on our first summer holidays this year and even though the temperatures are not the highest, we are having a wonderful time. Our vizsla boy loves the sea and seems to enjoy camping and cycling along the coast with us. Fazana is a perfect little village for a morning stroll, coffee by the sea and buying fresh seafood from local fisherman. It’s also a great spot for exploring Istria – Pula, Rovinj and Cape Kamenjak are all nearby. So I might post another story as the week goes by … Stay tuned.

Loving the waves!

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By Urska

Civil engineer with a lot of interests like traveling, food, taking care for my plants, running and hiking! Currently living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Always up for a coffee date, usually stolling around citycenter, most happy when there's time for a walk in the woods after work hours. In love with my two boys - one of them walking on four legs and wiggling with a tawny tail.


    1. Najprej se ga je, zdej se ga pa zmerej manj! 🙂
      Plaval še ni, ampak danes se je že “tunkal” ko je po palčke hodu … 😉

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