The view over the Valley.

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Vipava Valley is our home and comming back is always a joy, even if it’s only for the weekend. We love our green Valley, its rivers and woods, paths and hiking trails, its little towns and villages. And even more so, our families and friends living in here. However, because we feel local, we too often forget to explore around this charming countryside. Since spending more time outside with our tawny tail, we finally do it more frequently – it’s how we ended up at this great view spot overlooking the Valley. Just in time for the sun to say goodbye.

Home is where the heart is.

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By Urska

Civil engineer with a lot of interests like traveling, food, taking care for my plants, running and hiking! Currently living in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Always up for a coffee date, usually stolling around citycenter, most happy when there's time for a walk in the woods after work hours. In love with my two boys - one of them walking on four legs and wiggling with a tawny tail.


    1. Na plazu nad Vipavo smo bli! Prvič. 🙂 Super zadeva, si v pol urce gor, če greš z Gradišč (kot za na Turo).
      Najlepši razgled nad dolino je. ♥ Gremo drugič skupej! 🙂

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