April snow and memories.

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This sure feels like a proper ‘Throwback Thursday’ as I’m browsing through photos of our January winter holidays and writing down these memories. Yes I’m aware of the fact that it’s April and the fact that my latest posts were way more spring-like. But on the other hand, yesterday snow covered a great part of Slovenia and Ljubljana is actually still very white today …

She said Yes.

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It was a beautiful wedding. One of my dearest girlfriends got married this weekend and their special day was amazing, so very romantic but also a great deal of fun. The weather was way better than forecasted and a few afternoon raindrops didn’t bother us (after all, the rain brings money to the couple, as the saying goes). She was gorgeous …

All green.

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So many shades of green in the woods at the moment. It’s magical! Just a few weeks ago it has been all brown and gray, but now the forest is colored in its brightest green hues. The undergrowth and bushes are growing, trees are turning green and particularly in the evening daylight, it all looks just wonderful …

Breath in the sea air, listen to the waves.

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I believe in some sort of salt therapy – that you get for free – when walking by the coast, breating in the sea air, listening to the waves and seagulls above you. I love the sea. And I missed it a lot. Very often I catch myself daydreaming of summer days in Croatia, but since July is not comming around just jet, days by our coast will do it for now. This Saturday was a great day to spend it by the sea …

Sunday hikes.

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Sundays are best when they are “true to their name”. When they really are sunny days, we love to take little hikes and drain off some energy of our vizsla boy. Primoz and I also love to spend time in nature, so after coffee and breakfast in bed, we usually leave Ljubljana and drive to nearby places to take easy hikes. It’s amazing …

Our park.

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When your dog is a vizsla, you don’t have a lot of choice when it comes to: “How should we spend this sunny afternoon?”. All dogs need exsercise ofcourse, but for our tawny tail, a walk (or two) around a block just won’t do. He would be up to running, playing with sticks – his favourite thing to do – and chasing leaves in wind for hours a day …

Hi everyone.

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March is a great month! Isn’t it? It’s that time of the year when leafes start to grow, flowers bloom, mornings are much brighter and days get longer. It is a great time for changes. And for little – brave – steps. Like this blog post, the fist blog post I am writing for BWT blog! Well, March is also special to me because …