I actualy prefer mature wine, but St. Martin’s celebrations of young wine, happening in November all across Slovenia, are always a great fun. Goriska Brda have been “our spot” for tastings and gathering for a few years now. A good glass, yummy prosciutto and great company – St. Martin’s weekend might be my favourite one in the month. We visited Šmartno in Brda jet again this year. I love this small village, its medieval walls, old and renewed architecture and of course, tasting quality wines of Brda winemakers. Always quite an experience – honestly recommended!
Until next year, cheers.
Super je blo 😀 Drugo leto ponovimo!
Vsekakor! 🙂
Ja!:) Urška, sam ta bolš slike manjkajo:)
Najlepše sem za tvojo osebno zbirko pustila. 🙂