Tomato soup

I stopped counting how many times have I made this soup over the last month or so. It’s been a favourite for a while, so it felt apropriate to share this simple recipe – though most of my friends and family have already seen it on my Instagram or Snapchat, heard me talking about it or even tried it out when visiting. I love it, it’s a great soup and honestly, I’m not even a big tomato fan …

Double fun.

Mendi was on her first proper holidays in Ljubljana this week – so now we do have an idea of how it’s like to own two dogs in a small appartment in the city. It’s a lot of fun but yes, It’s also a little bit crazy. First of all, Oto is not very mature jet so it was like having two puppies. Plus, they are a rather different energy-level dogs …

Meet Mendi.

On Oto’s 1st b-day, my mom and dad brought home a new puppy! Sometimes it seems like she’s been a b-day gift for our tawny tail, because he’s too happy to have another pup to play with. Mendi is actualy an early b-day present for our mum, who’s turning 50 in November. She wanted another furry family companion, to be exact – she wanted a cocker spaniel …

Summer of pies.

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It’s a rainy August day, my vizsla boy is sleeping on the sofa and even the second cup of coffee doesn’t seem to help. So when I feel uninspired like that I often find myself in the kitchen, baking. I don’t know why, it cheers me up, helps me get back into the rythm – and not to forget, satisfies my sweet tooth. This summer I love pies …

One special cake.

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I love cakes! Actually I love desserts of any kind – so in order to satisfy my sweet tooth I bravely started baking a few years ago. In the beginning it went quite bad and I didn’t manage to bake anything properly, but at least I got funny stories for my friends out of it. As most learning processes go, I got better in baking with time and practice. There are still failures along the way …

She said Yes.

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It was a beautiful wedding. One of my dearest girlfriends got married this weekend and their special day was amazing, so very romantic but also a great deal of fun. The weather was way better than forecasted and a few afternoon raindrops didn’t bother us (after all, the rain brings money to the couple, as the saying goes). She was gorgeous …